SERVU, a company that distributes restaurant and bar supplies, has launched a 26,000-square-foot distribution center at 5555 Quail Manor Court in southeast Reno.
The company based in Champaign, Ill., selected Reno to allow next-day shipments to its California customers, said Sean Hemming, its vice president and general manager.
Along with its facilities in Illinois, SERVU operates a distribution facility at Charlotte, N.C.
The company is about 10 years old.
The company employs three in Reno, and Hemming praised the work of Nevada Job Connect in helping the company hire its new staff.
"We had a tremendous response and interviewed about 50 people in a twoday period," he said.
"I have never had the kind of support that was offered to us by Nevada Job Connect."
Among the services provided to the company by Nevada Job Connect were use of interview rooms and coordination of the appointments of job candidates.