Deputy State Controller Kim Huys, center, has been named to replace Controller Kathy Augustine during her Senate trial. Huys sat in the Senate gallery area Friday with Lisa Foster, deputy chief of staff for Gov. Kenny Guinn, left, and Augustine attorneys Dominic Gentile and John Arrascada. Cathleen Allison/Nevada Appeal
Acting Controller Kim Huys, who has been chief deputy in that office for the past year, said Friday it will be business as usual while the Senate processes the impeachment of Kathy Augustine.
Augustine lost the power to sign checks, warrants and authorize bonds when the articles of impeachment were delivered to the Senate on Friday. Huys said it was absolutely necessary to name an acting controller so that the financial operations of the state can continue uninterrupted.
"We sign about a thousand accounts payable warrants daily," she said, adding that the controller must also certify payroll and approve other financial transactions.
"That's the primary concern, signing authority for checks, warrants and bonds," she said.
She said because she has been chief deputy, she is well suited to making sure the business continues uninterrupted.
"Professionally and technically, I'm very well prepared," she said.
Huys said she will be able to start signing those documents Monday and will continue until the charges against Augustine are resolved.
She said morale in the office is "fine," and the office is concentrating on preparation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report as well as the daily business of the office.
Augustine, she said, has handled the situation professionally and is supportive of her handling the workload until the case is done.
"This issue has been separate from the daily operations of the office," she said.
Contact reporter Geoff Dornan at or 687-8750.