Rick Gunn/Nevada Appeal 2nd Lt. Doc St. Clair speaks with Carson Middle School student Brandi Vega, 13, in the school library. Below, U.S. Marine Corps Veteran Robert Russell holds a picture of himself as a young man returning from the Korean War. Russell is a veteran of World War II, Korea and the war in Vietnam.
Since his ancestors arrived in America in 1605, Master Sgt. Robert Russell's family has been serving the country. They went to battle in the Revolutionary War and fought on both sides during the Civil War.
Recently, they've lost two family members to the war on terror. Russell, a career Marine, saw combat in five different countries and was wounded on six occasions during World War II and the Korean and Vietnam wars.
On Wednesday, he was among several veterans to share his experiences with Carson Middle School students.
"I think it's important for the kids to understand what's happening, what happened in the past, and what will be coming down the pike later on," Russell said. "We're always going to be at war somewhere, somehow. These kids need a good clear picture of what they're up against."
Eighth-graders interviewed the veterans in preparation for a schoolwide Veterans Day Commemoration and Flag Retirement Ceremony on Nov. 10.
"It brings understanding of what our veterans do from their jobs to their attributes of character and sacrifice," said teacher Adrienne Reinhardt.
Students talked with those who had gone to war and those who were preparing for battle.
2nd Lt. Doc St. Clair has been in the Army National Guard for nine years and is scheduled to ship out for Iraq on Nov. 21.
"I'm extremely anxious," he said. "I've been wanting to go to war ever since I've been in the military."
Placards, displaying the veterans' photographs and stories, will be posted in front of the school over Veterans Day weekend to honor their sacrifice.
"They have done a lot to change our society and the way we live," said Irene Escobedo, 13.
What: Veterans Day Commemoration and Flag Retirement Ceremony
When: 9 a.m. Nov. 10
Where: Carson Middle School, 1140 W. King St.
Placards of veterans will be on display Nov. 8-11.
Contact Teri Vance at tvance@nevadaappeal.com or at 881-1272.