Cathleen Allison/Nevada AppealCentral Lyon County Fire personnel tend to an injured man following an accident on Hwy. 50 east of Mound House. The Cinderlite semi-truck was hauling three trailers of sand, much of which spilled onto the highway Monday afternoon.
Two separate accidents have blocked traffic on Highway 395 south of Carson City, and Highway 50 near Dayton.
A four-vehicle accident at Stephanie Way and Highway 395 that occurred at about 4:30 p.m. has blocked both lanes of northbound traffic.
There are some injuries. Careflight is landing at Silver City RV Park to transport patients. Police are attempting to re-route northbound traffic through Heybourne Road.
A two-vehicle accident near Dayton hill in Lyon County has backed up traffic near the Virginia City turnoff.
The accident occurred about 3:30 p.m. involving a Cinderlite triple-trailer semi and a gold jeep. One person was injured. The Cinderlite truck was hauling sand which is now spread across both eastbound lanes.
Traffic is reduced to one lane in both directions.
For more on the story, read Tuesday morning's edition of the Nevada Appeal.