Hytek Microsystems Inc.
of Carson City lost $230,000 on revenues of $2.6 million in the third quarter.
In the same period a year ago, the company reported a loss of $183,000 on revenues of $2.5 million.
John Cole, president and chief executive officer, said the company's product mix didn't reach the break-even point on sales.
Hytek makes microelectronic circuits that are used in military applications, industrial electronics, medical instruments and other equipment.
For the first nine months of this year, Hytek reported a loss of $149,000 on revenues of $7.6 million.
This compares with a loss of $389,000 on revenues of $7.6 million for the first three quarters of 2003.
Hytek's auditors in January said they had substantial doubt about the company's ability to stay in business, and the company said last week that those doubts are likely to continue through this year.