Not enough help is common complaint against day cares | Serving Northern Nevada

Not enough help is common complaint against day cares

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The majority of Carson City's 30 licensed day-care centers generated no complaints from parents over the past two years, health officials said Friday.

In 2004, a total of 23 complaints were filed - 17 allegations of lack of supervision, three of unsanitary conditions and three of unsafe playgrounds, according to Environmental Health Department records.

All the complaints were deemed unfounded or corrected after notice to the owners.

One day care received four complaints, two received three, two received two, seven received one, and 18 were complaint free in the 12 month period.

During 2003, 24 complaints were lodged.

They included sixteen allegations of lack of supervision, five of unsanitary conditions and one complaint each of unsafe diapering area, unsafe premises and unsafe playground.

One day care received five complaints that year, two received three complaints, two received two complaints, eight received one each and 17 others received no complaints.

"The majority of complaints are in regards to improper staff to child ratio," said Dustin Boothe, health department investigator.

Until Thursday, no Carson City day care has lost its license in the last nine years, although four closed their doors for various business reasons, Boothe said.

Sugar N Spice Day Care on Old Hot Springs Road was served with an order revoking its license Thursday after it was discovered owner Norma Childers made a "material misrepresentation" on the initial license application in 2003 when she neglected to reveal an elder-care license was revoked in California because of abuse and neglect allegations.

Childers is charged with felony child neglect and abuse on allegations she taped shut the mouths of two children at the day care.

Between April 2004 and April 2005, Sugar N Spice Day Care received seven complaints ranging from accusations of spanking to locking toddlers in a closet when they refuse to nap.

n Contact reporter F.T. Norton at or 881-1213.