Senator comes through in time for Christmas trip

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Sherry Hester and her daughter, Ashley Glover, will be off to England for Christmas, thanks to the intervention of Yolanda Garcia, Sen. Reid's representative in Carson City, with the passport office.

Seems they applied for Ash's passport in September, but, as of last week it had not arrived and they were getting panicky ... thus a call to Yolanda. As of Saturday noon, it was in their hot hands via Federal Express, and they're ready to go.

Sen. Ensign's office also gives out great service ... When Maizie needed a flag flown over the Capitol, they were right on the ball and got her one. Kudos to both our senators and the people who work with them ... they sure come through in a pinch.

So have a Merry Olde English Christmas, Sherry and Ashley ... and drink a pint for us ...

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We read where several people got two checks from the $300 million rebate from Governor Guinn ... Carolyn is still waiting for her first ("it's in the mail") ... If anyone wants to get rid of their "extra" check, feel free to send it to her and she'll cash it in one of the casinos so that their next quarter will be as high as this one (which they attribute to the rebates) ... Thank you ...

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Ken Fraser strikes again with this fairy tale: "Once upon a time, a beautiful, independent, self-assured princess lived in a land far away ... As she sat contemplating ecological issues on the shores of an unpolluted pond in a verdant field near her castle, a frog hopped into her lap and said, 'Elegant lady, I was once a handsome prince, but an evil witch cast a spell over me. It can be broken if you but kiss me and I will turn back to the handsome prince I once was. Then we can marry and set up housekeeping in your castle with my mother, where you can prepare my meals, clean my clothes, bear my children and forever feel grateful for doing so ... '

"That night, as the princess dined sumptuously on lightly sautéed frog legs seasoned in a white wine and onion cream sauce, she chuckled and thought to herself, 'I don't freaking think so.'"

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Maybe the University of Nevada band should renegotiate a deal with the athletic department about playing at football games ... They thought they'd be allowed to go to the Hawaii Bowl, but were informed it wasn't in the AD's budget, and that their going would have to be funded by the music department.

Seems to us, the band should get a percentage of the athletic department's revenues, since they really are an integral part of the "ambiance" at football games. Their "playing time" is an important part of football games, so it struck a "sour note" with us ... (dare you think we struck a wrong chord on that one?)

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The Ormsby Sportsman's Association recently held its annual banquet and raised over $8,000 for wildlife projects. This is a non-profit organization, headed by Jack Cooke, that is dedicated to "protecting and improving the habitat of fish and wildlife," and supporting conservation in general. We also heard from Ben Grissom (one of the 150 sportsmen who attended the banquet) that it was a "blast." And we thought all they did was hunt and fish ...

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We wish Larry Osborne all the best on his retirement from the Chamber of Commerce; and Nicole Wegener from the Nevada Appeal ... they are both terrific people and will be missed. Good luck in all your future endeavors ...

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Kim Johnston tells us that she's sure this happened to Father Don Don at St. Teresa's ... "One Sunday morning, a little boy was staring up at a plaque in the foyer of the church. As Father Don Don walked up to the child, the boy asked, 'Father, what is that?' Father Don Don replied, 'Well, son, it's a memorial to all the young men and women who died in the service.' Soberly, they stood together, staring at the plaque. Then, barely audible, and trembling with fear, the little boy asked, 'Which service ... the morning service, or the evening service?'"

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Sierra Veterinary Hospital will have an open house on Saturday from 3-7 p.m. at their newly remodeled facility at 1477 N. Saliman Road, Carson City. Everyone is invited ... there will be giveaways, demonstrations, food, and tours of the pet hospital. Maizie always remembers the great care Drs. Ailes and Allen gave to "Saska," "Morris," "Fat Cat" and "Skinny Kitty (the cats were never given names ... they were only supposed to "stay overnight," and ended up staying 18 years). Should be a "dog-gone" good time ... or the "cat's meow?"

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If you haven't already done this, the Carson City Sheriff's Reserve plays "Santa" every year on Christmas Eve ... call 887-2020, extension 5005, if you want Santa to appear on your doorstep that evening. They do a great job ... and the kids love it ... do so quickly, since they can only take about 200 families ...

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Congratulations to Nevada Appeal editor, Barry Smith ... he's been named as the new executive director of the Nevada State Press Association. While we will lose him as editor of the Appeal, he will still be in town telling the press what to do, and writing "terrific" letters to his replacement ... forewarned is forearmed ... the changeover won't take place for a couple of months, so we don't have to start crying yet ... (sob, sob, sniff, sniff ... does this get us a raise before you leave? or does 0 dollars still equate to 0?)

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Only 11 more shopping days 'til Christmas ... or haven't you been reminded enough? And don't forget our local agencies who could use a gift ... FISH, the Senior Center, the Boys & Girls Club, your churches, you name it ... in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, some of them have been forgotten ...

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And a pox on the idiots who have already vandalized some of the JAC bus signs ... or the Highway 50 East Post Office ... we still think that when they're caught, that they and everything they own (car, clothes, etc.) be sprayed with the same paint they used to deface things ... that's something their peas brains would understand ...

n Carolyn DeMar and Maizie Harris Jesse are longtime Carson City residents. Write to them at


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