BRAD HORN/Nevada AppealNevada Highway Patrol troopers, a Carson City coroner, and Department of Transportation employees work the scene of a fatal accident that claimed the life of two men this morning on Highway 50.
The two men who died in an accident this morning on Highway 50 in east Carson City have been identified.
Michael Cantamessa, 29, of Mound House and Richard Jones, 36, of Carson City, were killed about 6 a.m. near the intersection with Flint Drive.
For unknown reasons, Cantamessa, who was westbound on Highway 50, steered his white Ford pickup to the left. The pickup rotated counterclockwise and traveled across the center turn lane, entering the eastbound lanes directly in front of Jones' eastbound Chrysler two-door, according to the Nevada Highway Patrol.
The right side of the Ford struck the front of the Chrysler. The truck overturned, ejecting Cantamessa and came to rest in the center lane on its top. The sedan came to rest on the eastbound paved shoulder, said Trooper Nick Nordyke, of the Nevada Highway Patrol.
Neither driver was wearing a seatbelt.
Traffic was tied up for about 2 1/2 hours for westbound commuters entering Carson City from the Dayton and Mound House areas.
Troopers continue to investigate the accident and ask anyone who may have witnessed the accident to call 688-2830. The crash was reported at 5:48 a.m.
It was the second fatal accident within a few hours in Carson City.
About 11:30 p.m. Thursday in the 5300 block of Goni Road, a Carson City man was killed when the Mercedes he was driving hit a culvert and rolled.
The Nevada Highway Patrol identified the man as 35-year-old David G. Chase.
A trooper said Chase was driving north on Goni Road in a 1997 Mercedes four-door sedan when he failed to negotiate a slight right and curve in the road and the vehicle drifted off the left edge.
The car hit a cement culvert and rolled over, ejecting him.
"He was alone in the vehicle and also very close to his residence when the accident happened," according to Trooper Chuck Allen. "It appears that he was not wearing a seatbelt and investigators have not yet determined if alcohol was a contributing factor."
Allen cautioned drivers to "take the extra two seconds to buckle up before driving. It may save a life."