Members of the Sierra Highlanders Pipe Band perform during the 2003 Nevada Day Parade. The band, joined by three members of the South Lake Tahoe Black Bear Pipe Band, will compete Aug. 13 in Glasgow, Scotland, at the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association's World Championships. Cathleen Allison Nevada Appeal
The Sierra Highlanders Band, joined by three members of the South Lake Tahoe Black Bear Pipe Band, will compete Aug. 13 in Glasgow, Scotland, at the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association's World Championships.
The competition will include at least 130 other bands.
President of the Sierra Highlanders Band John LoGiurato said they are going for the experience and to represent the state of Nevada. They have been in the community since 1961.
"I think that's important," LoGiurato said. "We've had some members in the band for 30 years. Our attending is sort of a recognition for their contribution."
The group will leave Aug. 10, and be in Scotland about two weeks. They will be at the University of Sterling in Sterling. The world championship is in Glasgow, with three other competition venues in nearby cities.
"These are the original games - the center of the pipe band world," LoGiurato said. "This is like a Mecca for pipe bands to play."
The band is asking for financial support from the community to help fund the trip. They have raised $11,000 of the $30,000 needed to attend. Donations may be made directly to the band, which is a nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible.
"We will arrange to send receipts for tax purposes," LoGiurato said. "They can mail donations to Sierra Highlanders Pipe Band, 429 Sunchase Court, Carson City, 89701. Or they can call me during the day at 882-6455, or 883-5083 in the evenings."
Only one member of the band has performed in this competition before, Martin MacLean.
LoGiurato said The Sierra Highlanders have competed fairly regularly over the years, mostly in California. He said realistically the band's chances for winning are not very good, but they are going for the experience and opportunity.
"We've recently not been very competitive. In years past, we've won several first-place awards."
The band consists of four snare drums, four tenor drums and a bass drum, as well as eight pipers and a drum major. The drum major is the ceremonial leader during the march.
The Sierra Highlanders will have public performances in downtown Reno at Fitzgerald's and the Reno Hilton St. Patrick's Day weekend; the Brewery Arts Center's Celtic Festival in May; the Democratic Party's annual Jefferson Jackson dinner in April; and competitions in Woodland, Calif., in April and in Squaw Valley in June.
"Fund-raising is going pretty good," LoGiurato said. "The Nevada Society of Scottish Clans is helping us out. They've been very generous in their support of the band."
n Contact Rhonda Costa-Landers at or 881-1223.
Strike up the band
What: Donations to Sierra Highlanders Band
Where: 429 Sunchase Court, Carson City, 89701
Call: 882-6455 (day); 883-5083 (evenings)
President: John LoGiurato
Drum sergeant: Martin MacLean
Pipe major: Burch Palmer
Drum major: Jeremiah James