Exercise for a reason

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If you are an advocate of exercise like I am, you are constantly called upon to defend your views regarding the benefits of exercise. It's not hard to do; the facts speak for themselves. After 33 years of teaching fitness, I feel obligated to write a column listing a few of those facts.

When you exercise, your life will be longer, your quality of life will be greatly enhanced, and your appearance will look years younger. You may even lose a few pounds. That's enough reason right there for sweating. But there's more!

Fitness workouts will increase your cardiovascular endurance, meaning that with each beat of your heart, you pump more blood through your body. It's called stroke volume. And, as your cardiovascular endurance increases, your heart has less work to do. This is one of the benefits that add years to your life.

Your lung capacity will expand, and oxygen intake will increase. Along with the added oxygen comes an easier time riding that bike, climbing the staircase, and enjoying the ski slopes. More oxygen also means better circulation, and that will enhance your general appearance and improve your skin tone.

If you include weight-bearing exercise in your fitness program, you will build strength and tighten those flabby muscles. Tightened muscles no longer sag, wiggle, or let you down. A body that has muscle strength stays where you put it and gives you the confidence you need to complete tasks. And it adds to your quality of life by giving you the arm and leg strength to enjoy winter sports.

There is nothing as important as the health of your body, regardless of your age. Good health is the single most important factor if you want to enjoy your life. Responsible adults care for children or aging parents, and it is hard to do without good health.

There are a lot of technical reasons for taking up fitness and a lot of terms that can impress you, but it all comes down to your own personal health and quality of life. In the year 2005, learn the importance of one hour of exercise three times a week. Forget the technical reasons and remember a longer life, a better quality of life and a much better appearance while you live. No one hands you good health; no one can do it for you. It is up to you to desire the many benefits that exercise can bring.

n Jerry Vance is owner of The Sweat Shop/Wet Sweat. She offers classes through Carson City Recreation and Aquatics Center and is a fitness instructor for the Senior Center.


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