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Talk to City Manager Linda Ritter:

Call 887-2100

Stop by her office at 201 N. Carson St.

E-mail her at: lritter@ci.carson-city.nv.us

Reach the Mayor:

Contact Mayor Marv Teixeira

Call: 887-2100

E-mail him at: mteixeira@ci.carson-city.nv.us

Contact your city supervisor:

Ward 1

Robin Williamson,

Office 887-2100, Home 883-9577

E-mail: rwilliamson@ci.carson-city.nv.us

Ward 2

Shelly Aldean

Office 887-1355, Home 885-8282

E-mail: saldean@ci.carson-city.nv.us

Ward 3

Pete Livermore

Office 887-2101 ext. 1207, Home 882-5056

E-mail: plivermore@ci.carson-city.nv.us

Ward 4

Richard Staub

Office 882-6888, Home 882-0526

E-mail: rstaub@ci.carson-city.nv.us

The Carson City Board of Supervisors meets at 8:30 a.m. the first and third Thursdays of the month in the Sierra Room, of the Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St.

Call 887-2100.


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