More Nevada taking to the roads, skies this weekend

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High gas prices aren't keeping a quarter of a million Nevadans from driving this Memorial Day weekend, according to a report from AAA Nevada.

"Regardless of concerns over continuing high fuel prices, Nevadans are not forsaking their getaway plans with friends and family," said Michael Geeser, spokesman for AAA Nevada. "Gasoline remains a relatively small part of most travelers' vacation costs. Look for another crowded holiday on the highways."

AAA estimates about 250,000 Nevadans are expected to travel 50 miles or more over the three-day weekend, which is a slight decrease from last year. About 83 percent are expected to travel by car.

Airfares are down about 10 percent on average compared to 2004, so traveling by air is becoming more attractive. Air travel over the holiday is expected to jump 10 percent from last year, with more than 47,000 Nevadans taking to the skies.

Geeser said this weekend will be a good indicator of a strong summer travel season.

Nationwide, AAA estimates more than 37 million Americans will travel this Memorial Day weekend.

More than 31 million will travel by car, while 4.2 million plan to fly and 1.9 million expect to vacation via other methods of transportation.

AAA tips

• Before major road trips, have your car checked out by a technician.

• Cut food costs by packing your own snacks and meals. Consider booking a hotel room where you can cook some of your own meals.

• Find lodging in outlying areas, away from tourist and business destinations.


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