Cathleen Allison/Nevada Appeal Mike Garrett and his son Mike Garrett Jr., 2, attended the Memorial Day ceremony at Lone Mountain Cemetery Monday afternoon. They sat with family members at the gravesite of Garrett's father, Army veteran Thomas Garrett.
Korean War veterans in Nevada should no longer be forgotten as a memorial honoring them was officially dedicated Monday at Riverview Park in east Carson City.
The memorial displays bricks with the name, military branch and years of service to anyone who served in Korea from 1945 to present.
The layout represents the Nevada Cities Complex, the last major battle fought in Korea in March 1953. The four cities represented by large stones are Carson City, Reno, Las Vegas and Elko.
With a broken voice, his left hand clinched in a fist, thrusting forward, Richard Hyde, president of the Korean War Veterans Association Chapter 198 of Northern Nevada gave thanks to the veterans who gave their lives at the Nevada Cities Complex.
"We give thanks to veterans who were asked to defend a country they never knew, and people they never met," Hyde said.
More than 300 people attended the dedication ceremony.
"I am very honored and feel good to be part of this service," said Sang Chang, an elder with the South Korean Presbyterian Church in Sparks. The church donated $5,500 to the memorial project.
"We will never forget the sacrifices of the Korean and American soldiers. We owe them and can never pay back what they did. Without their sacrifices, we could not have defended against the communists. We do not like the communists."
"I often wonder what would have happened to me and my country if it had not been for the American soldiers," said the Rev. Kwang Chang of South Korean Presbyterian Church.
Several dignitaries spoke at the dedication, including former Mayor Ray Masayko, Mayor Marv Teixeira who is a Korean War veteran, Lt. Gov. Lorraine Hunt, and Congressman Jim Gibbons.
The ceremony concluded with the roll call of the 34 men killed or missing in action in South Korea.
At Lone Mountain Cemetery, a ceremony led by Lt.j.g. Robert Bledsaw, commander of the U.S. Navy Sea Cadets, Carson City, drew more than 200 people of all ages, who sat on bleachers, lawn chairs and the grass to pay their respect.
"It means more to me to be here, and for my brother who was killed in World War II," said Terry Journey, 81, of Reno.
Journey enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1945 and served 18 months as a surgical technician. She is a member of the Women's Army Corps Sierra Chapter 108.
"It's been years (since I was in the Army), but it touches me when these ceremonies come together. I did it for my brother, Charles Dermant, who was killed in World War II."
As the song "Arlington" by Trace Atkins played over the personal address system, some in the audience rocked solemnly to the music, wiping away tears.
The Rev. Dick Campbell spoke of veterans in his prayer, saying to keep blessed memories, enduring hopes and bravery of the dead.
Commander David Treinen of the U.S. Navy Sea Cadets, Reno, told the crowd it was OK to teach the young about this great country.
"It's OK to salute and say God Bless America," Treinen said. "Because so many have died for us to have that right, to stand up for our country.
"Those who now burn our flag, because veterans have given them that freedom, are they ready to fight and die for our country as others did?"
U.S. Air Force veteran Jon Shambaugh said while he was in the Air Force, he and his buddies swore they would never forget each other. Their faces, their names.
"Now, sometimes, I forget the faces and the names," he said with his voice choking. "And I don't want to."
The Sierra Highlanders Pipe Band closed the ceremony with "Amazing Grace," and member Rick James played Taps, as veterans in the crowd removed their hats, lowered them over their hearts and saluted.
n Contact Rhonda Costa-Landers at or 881-1223.
"Now, sometimes, I forget the faces and the names. And I don't want to."
U.S. Air Force veteran Jon Shambaugh