Signs go up telling residents to slow down

Chad Lundquist/Nevada Appeal Carson High School students Alejandra Melgarejo, left, and Lydia Peri erect a Project Ignition sign asking drivers to slow down Monday afternoon at the corner of Division and Fleischmann. Twenty signs will be erected along highly traveled roads in Carson City.

Chad Lundquist/Nevada Appeal Carson High School students Alejandra Melgarejo, left, and Lydia Peri erect a Project Ignition sign asking drivers to slow down Monday afternoon at the corner of Division and Fleischmann. Twenty signs will be erected along highly traveled roads in Carson City.

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Carson City residents can expect to see speeding awareness signs popping up in the front yards of residences throughout Carson City this week.

Particularly in high-travel areas.

The red-lettered placards read: "Slow Down. Our Kids Matter" and feature the Carson High School's advanced video production class "Building Awareness, Taking Action" logo in the upper right corner.

"I think they turned out really good," said student Tyler Bournes, who heads up the class' Project Ignition grant. "They capture people's attention."

Monday afternoon's sign-erecting effort came from a group of five advanced video production students at Carson High School who are working on the State Farm Insurance Co. grant.

Their efforts could help them win the final prize of $20,000.

It could also help drivers be more conscious in high-traveled areas in Carson City, something that resident Gloria Harris would like to see.

The woman, who lives at the intersection of Fleischmann and Division streets, and cattycorner to the Carson-Tahoe Hospital, lost her dog last week after a man in a red pickup sped by on Division, she said.

He never stopped.

"I think it's absolutely great (the kids are doing this)" she said, leaving her front stoop to come talk with the students in the falling snow. "I do appreciate this. I really do. And I hope every time (the man in the truck) drives by, he sees (the sign.)"

That's exactly what the students are hoping their 20 signs will do. Monday's objective was to put out as many as possible in high-traffic areas, where speeders can be a problem.

Teacher Brian Reedy and Deputy Mark Jongsma accompanied them, but the students themselves went door-to-door asking permission to stake them in yards.

"We talked to the sheriff's department, which talked to the traffic department and they provided the worst areas speeding-wise," said Tyler.

The sign project replaced the group's earlier concept for a poster contest. The full Project Ignition plan includes a community awareness fair, which was held in October, the sign project, documentaries on real accidents and a remembrance wall. Project Ignition is sponsored by State Farm and the National Youth Leadership Council.

Supporting members of the team are Heidi Flansberg, a planner in the sign project, Greg Saunders, who documented Monday's event with a videocamera in Zip-loc plastic as protection from the snow, and Lydia Peri and Alejandra Melgarejo.

By late afternoon, they had erected several signs in a half-inch of snow on Mountain Street near Fritsch Elementary School and at Desatoya Drive near Empire Elementary School.

"I'm glad to see you doing this," Mountain Street Resident Pat Allen told Lydia and Alejandra after they knocked at her door.

She said speeders were a problem in the area.

The snow, which fell heavily as the students worked, did little to dampen spirits. And nearly every resident asked agreed to a sign in their yard.

"I'm actually excited," Lydia said. "I'm excited because of the snow. And it feels good to make a difference."

n Contact reporter Maggie O'Neill at or 881-1219.

'Slow Down, Our Kids Matter'

Signs will be erected in these highly-traveled areas. The sheriff's department provided the students with areas where speeding is a problem:

• Division Street

• Desatoya Drive

• South Edmonds Drive

• Koontz Lane/Clearview Drive area

The signs are available at Sign Pro. Call 887-8817 for information. The Project Ignition Team would like to see the signs flourish throughout Carson City, and hope residents take the initiative to purchase their own.


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