Silver Springs woman's home being moved

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Jeanne Breland is getting new scenery.

Dozens of people reacted to the plight of the 70-year-old Silver Springs woman who was being evicted from land she'd rented for the past several years.

"The response has been real heartwarming," said Tom Blomquist, of the Silver Springs Spay and Neuter Project, who spearheaded an effort to move Breland's mobile home. "Some older folks sent small checks for $5 and $10 and you could tell they had to dig deep for that."

In all, $2,200 was raised through donations to move Breland's pink 1984 single-wide mobile to property Blomquist and friend Michael Cartwright bought when they heard of her predicament.

Champion Manufactured Mobile Home plans to move the home at a reduced cost in about two weeks, and a Carson City man will pay for Breland's stay at a motel, boarding for her three dogs and meals while that's happening.

Blomquist said what is needed most now is labor.

The land Breland will live on needs to be fenced to keep Mugsy, Brutus, and Buddy safe. As much as Blomquist would like to think he and Cartwright can do it themselves, he admits they could use a hand.

"My wife says I always bite off too much," he explained. "I will get the fencing material, but if people donated heavy duty T-posts and welded wire fencing, that would help. We're probably going to have a work day on Friday and Saturday so we could also use people to help build the fencing."

Blomquist is also looking for paving stones and hopes someone can purchase some kennel panels for the dogs and put them on his account at Benson Feed.

Cartwright will need some help removing the mobile's skirting and pulling an axle under it.

In the midst of all that, Blomquist took Breland's car in for a tune-up and is planning to buy her new tires, "so she can be mobile."

When it's all said and done, there will be a celebration with pink-trailer cake for everyone who took part in this modern-day barn raising. So, those who helped should expect an invitation in the mail.

"I'm flabbergasted, and I thank everybody from the bottom of my heart," Breland said.

n Contact reporter F.T. Norton at or 881-1213.

You can help

To donate time or supplies to help in Jeanne Breland's move, call Tom Blomquist at (775) 577-3518 or Michael Cartwright at (775) 577-4398.


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