Video producer aims to kill stress " then solve myriad of other woes

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Andrew Johnson, president of iMed Design Inc. sees the Internet and iPod as the most direct route to roll his product to buyers.

Healthvues, a subsidiary of iMed, released a DVD title, "Stress and Relaxation Explained: An Introduction to Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques." It's hosted by Alice D. Domar, PhD.

While future marketing may be done through medical facilities and health spas, says Johnson, right now he's taking the direct-to-consumer marketing route via Amazon. com. And later this year he plans to offer video iPod downloads via the iMed Design Web site.

"This fills a niche that's not being filled at all," says Johnson. "Other DVD's on the topic are mere band-aids; you play them when getting home from work and feel better for a while, but then the stress returns. This helps identify where stress comes from. It gives tools to help you solve that problem."

Andrew and Mary Johnson founded iMed Design in 2001 and moved to Reno in 2004. They work with independent contractors to produce promotional videos.

The first title dealt with infertility, a third tackles adoption. More titles on relaxation are in the works.

"We're always working on new things," says Johnson.