A new service by the Washoe County Geographic Information Systems department has seen roughly 500 users the first three weeks of April, says Matthew Lawton, technology systems developer for the county's Technology Services Department.
The county's Quick Map service was initiated for county staff and the public to quickly and easily retrieve detailed parcel information assessment, school district, subdivisions, voter precincts, senate and assembly districts and ZIP Code in just a few seconds. Users can search by address or intersection.
"The real intended goal of the application is to have a one-click application for county users and the public to find out a general overview of a property or location around the county," Lawton says.
The idea for the Quick Map application grew out of the county's Map Warehouse application, which provides robust statewide information. In contrast, the Map Warehouse site received much more traffic in April 6,765 unique visitors.
"It is a new site. We are hoping more people learn about it," Lawton says.
The new service can be found at http://wcgisweb.washoecounty.us/website/QuickMap/viewer.htm