Economic development officials in Nevada say the process to select an operator for the Hawthorne Army
Depot could open the door for northern Nevada businesses to win subcontracting business.
The U.S. Army Joint Munitions Command is soliciting proposals from private contractors to operate the munitions facility in Mineral County for five years beginning Jan. 1. The contract could be extended for another five years after the initial term.
Day and Zimmerman Hawthorne Corp. has operated the facility under contract with the Army since 2000.
"We're going to be following this process very closely," says Kathy Agee of the Procurement Outreach Program of the Nevada Commission on Economic Development.
She says staffers in the program will identify subcontracting possibilities with the company that wins the prime contract.
The Procurement Outreach Program helps Nevada companies identify and win potential government contracts.
The Army hasn't set a date to award the contract, but says it wants to provide transition time if Day and Zimmerman doesn't win it.
Contractors will be touring the depot and attending a pre-solicitation conference on April 23-25.