Letters to the editor Aug. 27

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City Center funds better spent on other things

Agree, agree, agree, agree, I agree with all four letters published Aug. 21 regarding the City Center.

We already have a Boys and Girls Club, an ice skating rink and a library. Most people who want to work on a computer have one at home.

The funding can be spent on something much more worthwhile.

Pam Massey

Carson City

We should be saving, not killing Nevada's bears

I'm against game hunting in every way. I hate that people need to kill something that is more beautiful in the wild than it is on someone's wall, so that they can boast about it or feel better about themselves.

Bears are naturally curious animals, so do we really think killing them and bringing down their population is really going to help human-bear conflicts? I think not. I know for a fact there were people out there pushing to get bear tags approved just so they could hunt for bears. This is sad and wrong in too many ways to list.

All people need to do is stop being ignorant about bear behavior and open their eyes to what they can do to cut down on human-bear encounters. Why should beautiful animals that have every right to live as much as we do have to die because of human ignorance?

I believe that Nevada's wild horses need to be saved just as much, they should be preserved and cherished, not seen as pests that need to be exterminated.

I may not be an expert on these issues, but at least I have my eyes open to what is happening and how tragic this truly is.

Courtney Duke

Carson City

Girl Scout's silver

project a success

Hello, my name is Margaret Duvall, and I just completed my (Girl Scouts) silver project. I would like to thank the Nevada Appeal for helping with my publicity. So many people came because they saw the story.

The staff at the Nevada Appeal were friendly and helpful, and one of the many integral teams. Without your help it wouldn't have been possible.

We raised a whole $500 because of your help. Politicians, doctors and lawyers may have center stage, but it is the hard work of caring people like you who really run the show.

Thank you very much.

Margaret Duvall

Carson City

Independent candidates deserve to be on ballot

I was listening to "Nevada Newsmakers" the Wednesday after the first Congressional District 2 debate. I rarely shake my head anymore at what I hear during campaigns. I shook my head this time.

During (the debate), the person who was listed as representing the GOP noted in short that the two independents will remain unknown, (and) she sounded upset that the two essentially bullied their way into the first debate.

The two independent candidates are legitimately on the ballot; they have the right to be included in debates and should be named. It came across to me that the GOP representative felt that no one belongs but the elite and privileged.

(It's) not that the primary parties don't seem to feel this way anyway; it was that it was so openly hinted (at) during the show.

No wonder we have the problems we have.

Gregg E. Zuelke

Silver Springs