Leave the writings of great American alone
Have the citizens of the United States become so thin-skinned that they have to change the writings of one of the greatest writers and authors in American history?
Mark Twain wrote using the language common to his time, the so-called "n- word," slavery and his writings are part of American history. Should some of Hollywood's greatest films also be trashed because of the use of the
"n-word" and the depicting of our American history?
Both Mark Twain and Hollywood have been awarded international accolades due to their writings and film topics. What's next for these people who want to protect us from ourselves, the deleting of the Holocaust from historical writings?
George Gerlach
Death panels in U.S. move closer to reality
Death panels returned to the news when Medicare mandated that its doctors have annual end-of-life patient conferences. But more significantly, the Federal Drug Administration has revoked approval for the breast cancer drug Avastin and other expensive medications, and cut its new drug approvals to 21 this year.
ObamaCare czar Donald "rationing-with-our-eyes-open" Berwick doesn't want expensive drugs for shovel-ready seniors and the severely ill on Medicaid. But FDA disapproval means these drugs won't be available, period, no matter what plan you have. Berwick is also phasing out funding for Medicare Advantage, shifting the money to cover 30 million new customers.
The death panel mechanisms are now complete. Reich Chancellor Berwick even has his own Stasi, the Senior Medicare Patrol. The end result of Sen. Reid's stroll along kickback mountain will be a long wait in a stuffy, crowded clinic, only to be told by a sad-faced physician's assistant or registered nurse that you or your family member are too old or too ill for further medical treatment. Sorry, the doctor is busy.
What about all those ObamaCare waivers for unions, the American Association of Retired Persons and businesses that donate to Democrats? You'll have to Google that one; I'm out of space.
Lynn Muzzy
Bring back good, old-time Music of America
The other day I tried to listen to the radio - the operative word here is tried. I dialed through all the stations both AM and FM. Unbelievable.
Couldn't get anything but left-wing talk shows, right-wing talk shows, buckaroo, Hispanic, soft rock, hard rock, in between rock, and a half dozen religious stations all damning me to hell.
What we need is to bring back Music of America with Bob, Lou, Jack and the gang, 24/7, because quite frankly, the rest of radio today stinks.
Mike Shaughnessy
Carson City