In her own words: Grace Chiplinsky of Reno Vein Clinic

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Northern Nevada Business Weekly: Tell us about your company.

Grace Chiplinsky: The Reno Vein Clinic was started by Robert Merchant M.D. 11 years ago, and John Daake M.D. joined us back in 2005. Between them they have over 50 years vascular experience. We specialize in the treatment of varicose and spider veins using the most current techniques. Reno Vein Clinic has a state-licensed and accredited surgery center in addition to the clinic, so the patients get to see the one doctor at the one location from initial visit right through to the 12-month checkup. A lot of people think varicose veins are a cosmetic issue not realizing that in some cases there may be an underlying health concern. We also have Joelle Greene RN as our laser technician; she treats the smaller spider veins on the legs, face and any other delicate areas with the laser. Additional laser services we offer are hair removal, laser treatments for wrinkles, age spots, nail fungus etc.

NNBW: What role do you play?

Chiplinsky: I am the administrator and office manager. I oversee the revenue cycle management, vendor selection, approve expenditures, provide administrative support to the physicians, develop annual/monthly budgets, review and analyze monthly statements and accounts and help develop marketing strategies.

NNBW: How did you get into this profession?

Chiplinsky: I was recruited for this job because I had the business management skills and experience required. This is an aspect that I always enjoyed and excelled at in my previous positions. The office staff and physicians felt that I would be a great fit with the company culture, and I knew I could acquire the medical knowledge that would be required through on-the-job training as well as more formal training.

NNBW: What are some of the skills and abilities necessary to succeed in this job?

Chiplinsky: Great negotiating skills and empathy, as well as all the usual business management skills such as attention to detail, ability to learn new things quickly, the aptitude to quickly recognize trends and act, and communication and analytical skills. It would be a big plus to have some medical experience in any capacity to ensure success in this job.

NNBW: If you could have had any other profession what would it have been? Why wasn't it your first choice?

Chiplinsky: Fashion designer. It wasn't my first choice because I didn't think it was as secure a job as the one I am in now. I like to think that everything I am doing and have done is only building my repertoire of skills that can lead me into any field I would chose. On saying all that, I don't believe that my career path is set in stone. One of the skills that make people successful is the ability to be flexible.

NNBW: What are some of the important trends you see in your industry?

Chiplinsky: The direction the new medical health care reforms could take medical industry in, which at this stage are unclear. Change from paper charts to electronic medical records, which are to enhance patient care and insure correct billing.

NNBW: What do you like to do when you're not working?

Chiplinsky: I live in Los Angeles and commute up here for work so when I am at home, I like to ride my street bike around the wonderful canyons that surround Los Angeles and I race my track bike in a 50cc stock novice class once a month at either the Willow Springs or Grange tracks.

NNBW: Have any advice for someone who wants to enter your profession?

Chiplinsky: You have to be both a numbers and a people person.

NNBW: What's the best advice anyone ever gave you?

Chiplinsky: No matter what you chose to set your mind to, you will succeed.

NNBW: What are five things you can't live without?

Chiplinsky: Family, friends, dogs, good food and having fun.

NNBW: If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why would you want it?

Chiplinsky: Perfect pitch. I would love to sing in tune.

NNBW: What does the content of your refrigerator say about you?

Chiplinsky: That I am an extremely healthy eater; I try to buy organic fruits and vegetables, mostly from the local growers' market when possible. You will never find any junk food inside my fridge this would be the one thing my husband would change.

The basics:

Name: Grace Chiplinsky, administrator, Reno Vein Clinic

How long have you been in this job? Nearly five years

Education: Bachelor of Computer Science/ Multimedia

Best book you've read? It's generally the current book I am reading which right now is "Limitless"

What's on your iPod? I don't have an iPod, I listen to Pandora ... it creates a stream of music based on a song or artist you like that way you get exposed to many more songs and artists that you would otherwise.

The best movie ever? Don't really have one but if pressed I would choose "Avatar."

Spouse, kids or pets? Husband, kids and pets.


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