Letters to the Editor

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Neo-cons don't offer best Libya solutions

Michael Reagan is nothing if not consistent, a true champion of the Neo-cons and Christian right determined to show the USA is the biggest, baddest, bully extant.

Because his dad once put Gadhafi in his place in different times and different circumstances, he now bewails a missed opportunity to do it again.

This time President Obama sensibly deferred to the Europeans and Middle East to resolve it in their backyard. Italy, France and north African neighbors would take the brunt of Libyan refugees from all-out civil war, and they and Arab countries sensibly turned to the United Nations for a coordinated effort to save Libyan citizens from self-destruction. Gadhafi sensibly deferred to them, at least for the moment, which may well save the lives of countless Libyans on both sides along with those innocents caught in the middle.

Neo-cons just can't stand it if the USA doesn't display its usual blunt-force, chest-thumping wholesale destruction of local citizens, foe and friend alike, just to prove that it can. Greater diplomacy was displayed by Germany, China, Russia and others who wisely abstained from the UN vote to enable those most involved to find resolution with least loss of life.

It also saves us from borrowing more money we don't have to wage war at the expense of our grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Jack Van Dien


Testimony doesn't represent psychiatrists

We're concerned with Mr. Harold Cook's testimony reported by Associated Press writer Michelle Rindels, March 11, "Autism program's future uncertain." The readership shouldn't presume that Cook speaks for psychiatrists.

The administrators keep thinking that they have to pay more to get doctors. That isn't the problem. The salaries are fine. It's not that psychiatrists don't want to grow up to be state employees as Mr. Cook said - it's proper working conditions to treat the seriously mentally and medically ill. Very sick patients go to state hospitals. They are indigent, not by choice, but because of their illnesses. Doctors work there to treat these patients, not to get rich.

Mr. Cook himself may have some issues working for the state; our colleagues do not. If administration understood doctors, they wouldn't struggle retaining medical directors, including Dr. Barron, who dramatically reduced census and emergency room overflow, but was reassigned for bureaucratic reasons only. They would also stop using expensive temporary agencies, and they would advertise in psychiatric journals, and take some responsibility.

The only reason the medical staff needs to be privatized is because of the administrative misconceptions, not psychiatrists' incentives.

Norton A. Roitman, MD

Lesley Dickson, MD

Las Vegas

Country is getting wise

to radical right

I just can't stop laughing at Mr. Gregory's caustic reply to a leftist reader. Once again, there's another Neo-con who has their head in the sand. Why do they take such vitriolic offense at the truth? Mr. Gregory got upset that Canada chose not to air Fox News in their country because they lie.

It's amazing how he chooses to ignore that fact that Faux News does, in fact, lie and is caught lying by independent observers all the time. Instead he blames it on the left. Whenever the right is wrong, they switch to opining.

I hate to be the one to tell you this, Mr. Gregory, but the country is getting wise to the radical right's corporate-pharmaceutical-sponsored propaganda machine.


Because we see their actions and they are contrary to the flag-waving drivel that is eternally looped on Pox. They see they can't trust the hypocrisy and lies on Pox, nor talk radio, and are starting to think for themselves.

And now that the right has basically alienated every major demographic in this country by voting against them in every possible way and pretending it's for budget cuts, the proud sponsors of corporate welfare are in a tailspin.

Then you have the fortitude to try to strip the stations of real journalists, NPR and PBS, from federal funding? Is Tickle Me Elmo a socialist too?

Robin Christy

Carson City

Dayton residents want their needs defended

To Chuck Roberts:

As our commissioner, it is up to you to protect Dayton area residents as well as the overall interests of the county. After living in Dayton for six years, I find that the political will in Lyon County resides in Yerington, which is at least an hour's drive from the bulk of Lyon County's population, namely Dayton and Fernley.

The most prominent case of this bias is the location of the county jail in Yerington with some $20 million being spent on jail improvements. This location is a hardship for many Dayton residents, and there are other options. A better location would be at the old women's prison in Silver Springs. The central location would mean less time for deputies to be off the road.

Another troubling development is the single township bill being lobbied by the county. To many of us in Dayton, this looks like an attempt to consolidate the Justice Court in Yerington, again causing inconvenience to the community. We are happy with the current system, and don't want this change.

When we look at services provided in Yerington, we Dayton folks feel that, once again, we are being given the short end of the stick. All this makes it understandable why Fernley went in the direction they did, at least they get a say in how their community is run instead of Yerington calling the shots and keeping the goodies. We are concerned and look to you to defend our needs.

Ronald Adams


Fund education today or prisons tomorrow

Our legislators were impressed with the rally for higher education that was held on March 21. More importantly, were they listening to the message being delivered?

Our elected officials, both governor and legislators, have options. They can fund education today, or prisons tomorrow for the crimes committed yesterday. We know that the annual cost to educate one student is far less than the cost for incarcerating one inmate. This disparity in cost is amplified when we factor in the time element - a two- or a four-year degree versus a lengthy prison sentence, perhaps even lasting a lifetime.

With their votes and the actions to be taken, we will learn if they were really listening to the united voice of those who will provide hope for a better future for all citizens of Nevada.

Norbert Strecker

Carson City