Unions call rally to raise the heat on Republicans opposing taxes

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The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees has called a rally for this afternoon to put pressure on Gov. Brian Sandoval and Republican lawmakers to support revenue increases in the state budget.

Local 4041 President Neil Lake of UNLV said they have invited students and community groups to join union members outside the Nevada Capitol at 1 p.m. today.

"It's easy to say no new taxes, but state workers are not going to stand by and watch our state crumble," said Lake. "We need a balanced approach and solutions that work. So far we've only heard the governor talk about cuts that will destroy Nevada's future."

He called for support for the Democratic leadership's plan, which includes removing the sunsets to extend $626 million in taxes approved by the 26th Special Session of the Legislature and the 1 percent margins tax contained in a bill introduced in the Assembly Wednesday as well as extending the sales tax to services.