Our Opinion: 'D-Day' for the budget

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We can't say we're surprised that Democrats in the Legislature are going to have to reopen the budget because Republicans refused to budge.

With a June 6 deadline to complete their work, it's D-Day for legislators to complete a balanced budget that Gov. Brian Sandoval will sign.

So far on the Republican side, both the Assembly and Senate have stuck to the governor's budget, defining no new taxes as including those approved in 2009 and being paid now.

The Legislature, read Democrats, have added $968 million to the governor's budget since the beginning of the session. Continuing the taxes scheduled to sunset on June 30 would raise $626 million.

The Democrats can pass whatever budget they want, but without the votes to override Sandoval's veto, they are facing the real possibility of a special session.

Bad enough to have to dance to the other party's tune while the legislature still is in session, imagine being called back after school and having to approve the budget as presented.

Since redistricting will probably end up being settled in the courts, it may be time for Democrats to wave the white flag, and get whatever deal they can.