Letters to the editor Nov. 6

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Parker hits the nail on the head again

An open letter to Dr. Elliott Parker, chairman of the UNR economics department columnist for the Nevada Appeal:

Dr. Parker: Yet another thoroughly researched and intelligently written report (Oct. 23, "How Big Is Our Government, Really?"), this time on the true size of government here in the United States. You, Paul Krugman and Robert Reich have become my go-to guys when I attempt to sort out current financial issues.

Although you did not mention Nevada in you piece, it is my understanding our rank regarding state expenditures is near the bottom in nearly all categories (especially those generally considered as good categories).

How unfortunate that your effort will likely change few minds, especially those who resist being confused with facts.

Also unfortunate your remarks do not lend themselves to being condensed to Twitter or, even better, bumper-sticker length. Beginning to despair that no one wants to read anything anymore ... just sound bites and talk radio.

Keep up your good fight to inform the public! I always look forward to your work in the Appeal, and I'm pleased they have chosen to have you as a regular voice of reason. Best wishes!

Steve Waclo

Carson City

IHOP doing the right thing by carrying on

I am happy to hear IHOP will reopen. I'm surprised how some people feel they are speaking for all Carson City residents.

One letter recently stated, "Residents of the area will not support the reopening of IHOP in the present location." Another letter claims, "Only thrill-seekers and tourists will eat there."

Well, first, I am a resident within two blocks of IHOP, and have and will continue my support of that establishment, and I certainly am not a thrill-seeker or tourist. Personally, a cup of coffee and some pancakes might just sound good some morning.

In another letter someone wrote, "My God, I would always wonder if I was sitting or standing where someone died." I believe if you commute to Carson City from Fernley you would drive over and past many places where people have been killed on the highway by reckless or impaired drivers. Is that something you ever wonder about, or are those lives lost any different?

I have the utmost respect for those lives lost at IHOP. These dreadful events do, have and will randomly continue at any place or at any time. Life is not fair or predictable, and our community was hit hard by this senseless event, but I will neither hide nor be afraid to live.

I applaud IHOP's decision to carry on, and I personally do not find it disrespectful at all. We will remember those lost, but we will also carry on and live life and not be fearful.

Lindsay Pulliam

Carson City

Libya falls victim to banker thieves

Banker thieves have just taken over Libya. In 1951, Libya was the poorest nation in Africa. Just prior to the NATO invasion, it was the richest.

Moammar Gadhafi used the oil money for the betterment of the nation and the people. Education, health care and electricity were free. Those desiring to farm were given land, equipment, livestock and seed. Newlyweds were given $50,000 to buy a house. A house was regarded as a human right, and the government would pay for half the cost of a car. The nation had a government-owned central bank with no national debt and didn't owe the International Monetary Fund bankers a dime.

Besides the natural resource of oil, a huge aquifer of fresh water was found under the Libyan desert worth as much, if not more than the oil. The water was being utilized by an aqueduct system being built which would make the Sahara bloom with agriculture, and Gadhafi was going to make the African gold dinar the new currency for the purchase of Libyan oil.

This wealth not in their hands was an intolerable situation to the international bankers which own most of the rest of the world. So, they sent in their NATO warriors to bomb and kill and take it.

The first thing they did was to establish a central bank they own. Brainwashed soldiers were told that they were liberating Libya from a despotic dictator by the liars of the mainstream media whom they also own.

Alan C. Edwards

Carson City

Carson City workers did an outstanding job

We recently had the opportunity to work with Carson City on some stormwater drains and fire hydrant issues, both of which were on the property.

I am writing this letter in hopes that the proper people and departments will get the recognition that they deserve. Although I am currently the manager at Mini-Maxi Storage, I have worked in the construction trade, so therefore, have a background in the type of work which was being done at the facility.

I must say that it was very refreshing to see the crew work at the fast pace that they did to accomplish in just a few days what could have been a week's worth of work in other cities and states.

I again want to thank Carson City and the crew under Rob Fellows and Shyla Lemons for doing a very professional, timely and outstanding job.

Ernie Horn

Carson City

Social Security needs a lot of help

In a column of the Oct. 25 Appeal, Janice Ayres wrote about how Social Security is just fine and our politicians should just leave it alone.

Somebody needs to check to ensure that those are really tea leaves she is drinking. Perhaps she has been hanging out with Sen. Harry Reid too long.

Since I don't like to take a columnist's word for articles if they don't comport with other source information, I went to the Social Security website and to the Trustees Report Summary for 2011 at the following location: www.ssa.gov/OACT/TRSUM/index.html.

In part what the report stated was, "Social Security expenditures exceeded the program's non-interest income in 2010 for the first time since 1983."

What this means, and you can read it yourself, is that through the year 2022, cash deficits will be made up by redeeming assets from the Trust Fund. After 2022, Trust Fund assets will exceed interest earnings until the fund reserves are exhausted in 2036. The report reached the following conclusion:

"Projected long-run program costs for both Medicare and Social Security are not sustainable under currently scheduled financing, and will require legislative corrections if disruptive consequences for beneficiaries and taxpayers are to be avoided."

Social Security is just fine? I hardly think so.

David Knighton

Carson City

Vegan diet will help lower diabetes

November is American Diabetes Month - the perfect time to enjoy vegetarian chili, bean burritos, lentil soup, hearty vegetable stew and other low-fat meatless meals.

A recent Harvard School of Public Health study shows that eating processed meats and red meat can increase one's risk of Type 2 diabetes by as much as 50 percent.

Fortunately, people can prevent - and even reverse - diabetes by eating a healthy vegan diet. Researchers have even found that diabetics who eat low-fat vegan foods are able to stop taking medications - or at least take fewer of them - to manage the disease.

Many people have also lost weight and lowered their cholesterol just by switching to a vegan diet.

Heather Moore

PETA Foundation

Norfolk, Va.