My thoughts after hearing the song - "Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning."
That Tuesday morning my girls rushed to school
With a wave as they ran out the door
I turned on the TV to Good Morning America
Didn't notice as my coffee hit the floor
As I stood there in shock thinking this must not be real
The screams and the flames how they grew
And then through the smoke a camera focused in
As a plane hit Tower #2
All my worst fears were filling the screen
I didn't know what I should do first
Then they announced that a plane had been hijacked
And now it was headed West
I felt I needed to gather my family
At this time we just couldn't be alone
What's that they just said on the news now?
A plane hit the Pentagon?
Now running in circles, "who do I call?"
Coffee still on the white carpet in my stress
Grab for my car keys to go get my girls
Realizing I'm not even dressed!
I run upstairs grabbing some sweats
Then grabbing the phone instead
I call Governor Guinn and beg for some answers
But these events have scared even him
He tells me the plane heading West is not near
And right now the schools will not be closed
He'll let Carson know if the events turn towards us
But right now "Only God knows"
I make the decision to go get my girls
And even put my dogs in the car
I call up my husband and tell him to come home
And I yell "I don't care if it's far!"
My fear has turned to anger
I want to watch but I can't stand any more
I say to my parents "We have to do something!"
But I just cry as I sit on the floor
With family around and some on the phone
We watch and we cry till were numb
We plan what we'll do if "they" come after us
Will we hide? Will we pull out the guns?
It's dark, we're exhausted and we realize together
If we stay scared then the terrorists have won
We turn off the TV and just like the song
We turn on "I Love Lucy" reruns
So we put our energies into some positive thoughts
How to gather and fight now with Love
We rally donations and go to give blood
And pray to the good Lord above
The President asks us to spend Friday night
Outside with a candle in hand
So the satellites can see us and show the whole world
We've been hit but America will Always Stand
It's now been 10 years since that horrific attack
And the damaged Eagle is still mending
But together we're strong with American Pride
And We'll Never Forget, Never Think of Surrendering!