CC Communications steps up data push

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Technology and jobs of today and tomorrow are in the spotlight as Fallon-based CC Communications launches its Managed Data Services.

Managed Data Services offers IT services along with firewall management, backup services and geographically dispersed offsite backup, said Steven Swabacker, Managed Data Services manager.

Swabacker has set a target to hire 50 to 60 full-time IT positions within three years, and he hopes to hire locally. The company is working with schools to develop students' interest in technology positions and begin building their skills.

"We've got two choices: I can import them or we can grow them here. And I want to grow them here. That brings the whole community together to give our kids the opportunity to stay in Churchill County. Those are the jobs of the future," Swabacker said.

CC Communications, which is owned and operated by the Churchill County government, expects to make fiber access available to 98 percent of the homes in Churchill County by 2014.

That's likely to be a key advantage for economic development of the Fallon area.

"I think it's a fantastic opportunity for this community," Eric Grimes, Churchill Economic Development Authority executive director. "The concept of getting fiber to as many homes and businesses as possible in Churchill County, that right there alone sets us apart from pretty much any other rural community in the country, and some larger communities that don't have the connectivity we do."