Letters to the Editor for Wednesday, April 3

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Mary is history’s most blessed woman; Jesus is the son of God

The letter about “Blessed Mary” from Shirley Bierman on March 28 stated, “She ... was superior in sanctity to all creatures and inferior only to God.” This is not true.

Mary was clearly the most blessed woman in history. God chose her to give birth to His Son. That begs the question: Who is Jesus? Today, Good Friday, is the day we celebrate as the day Jesus gave His blood as our Lord and Savior.

The Book of John explains who He is: “For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life,” John 3:16.

Four of the 66 Books in the Bible, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. Shirley, if you read any one of them, it will prove that Jesus told the truth when he said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me,” John 14:6.

The truth shall set you free. The truth is, Mary was a great woman; however, Jesus said He was the son of God. After Jesus was crucified, He rose again on the third day. God allowed His Son to do that to prove who He was. Jesus loves you.

Larry Nelson

Carson City

Library would be wise to buy office space on nearby land

An office has been for sale for some time directly across from the Carson City Library, located at 711 E. Washington St. Has it occurred to anybody it might be a good idea if the Library or Friends of the Library purchased the office due to its convenient location? At the very least it could be used for an expansion, temporary storage or a place for the Friends to sell books, rather than lease a separate location.

In the future, should there be a need for a larger building, assuming the funds would be available, it would be adjacent to the current library.

As I recall, during one of the many phases of the downtown Knowledge and Discovery Center (remember that?), the city proposed to pay for a major portion of the cost and the Library was confident they could raise $10 million in donations for the balance. If they have anything close to that potential, you would think raising a mere $300,000 for the office building purchase would be a piece of cake. Maybe they could even raise a little more to pay for a new roof.

David Aunkst

Carson City


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