BLM seeks input on Pine Nut Land Health Project

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The Bureau of Land Management Carson City District, Sierra Front Field Office, is proposing a land-health project in the Pine Nut Mountains in Douglas and Lyon counties, as well as Carson City.

The Pine Nut Land Health Project would be implemented over a 10-year period; its stated mission is to restore ecological balance, diversity and resilience to plant communities and reduce hazardous fuels to protect people, property, infrastructure and resources from severe wildfire. The BLM is seeking comments by May 2.

The BLM lists these goals of the project:

• Restoring and maintaining sagebrush habitat (including about 19,195 acres of bi-state sage grouse preliminary priority habitat), riparian plant communities, wet meadows and springs.

• Protecting and enhancing historic pinyon-juniper woodland habitat.

• Reducing the potential of a large-scale wildland fire.

• Providing for public and firefighter safety, protection of property and infrastructure.

• Providing woodland products to the public, tribes and commercial entities.

The BLM wants to implement vegetation treatments on up to 26,252 acres. Treatments include hand-thinning of trees and brush (selective cutting), hand-cutting of trees (non-selective cutting), mechanical mastication of trees and brush, mechanical thinning/removal of trees, prescribed fire (pile burning) and seeding.

An environmental assessment is required before the project can begin. The BLM seeks public comment on the resources in the project area, any potential conflicts and other issues.

For project information including maps and a comment form, go to

A public workshop is set for 6-8 p.m. April 11 at the BLM’s Carson City District Office, 5665 Morgan Mill Road.

For more information, contact Brian Buttazoni, planning and environmental coordinator, at, 775-885-6004 or 5665 Morgan Mill Road, Carson City, NV 89701. Comments also can be faxed to 775-885-6147, Attn: Brian Buttazoni.


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