Week is done; keep focus on public health

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This column normally appears in the Nevada Appeal Wednesday health pages. It addresses topics related to the health of our community.

As National Public Health Week draws to a close, it is important to keep public health in our minds. Although there is only one week to formally recognize the importance public health has in our daily lives, it is working 365 days a year to protect our well-being, address emerging health threats and seek creative solutions to problems we face, such as the rising cost of health care.

Although many times it seems we are disconnected from those around us, it’s impossible to disconnect our individual health from our community’s health. When it comes to good health, a rising tide lifts all boats, and public health systems work to carefully monitor that tide, pinpointing choppy waters and struggling vessels and taking action to ensure that all boats have an opportunity to sail smoothly to healthier destinations.

A resilient, well-supported public health system is critical to our community’s health and future. Resources and support are critical to maintain the health victories we’ve accomplished so far. Moving forward, creativity and perseverance are essential to confronting today’s big problems. Past public health progress, such as dramatic reductions in tobacco use and a staggering decrease in vaccine-preventable diseases, are important accomplishments, but we must also look to the future. We cannot give up on public health just because much already has been done. We must continue to protect the public from emerging health threats, provide life-saving services for vulnerable populations, and do so much more.

The future of health is empowering communities with the tools, knowledge, resources and opportunities to make lasting change. Carson City Health and Human Services remains committed to providing the best possible public health services to our community, but we cannot do it alone. We are all connected, and we need your help. Take a moment to “like” us on Facebook and become part of the dialogue for public health in Carson City.

For more information about Health Department services, check out our website at www.gethealthycarsoncity.org or “like” us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CCHHS.


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