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140 Years Ago

Blind Tom: Will give a marvelous execution on the piano this weekend. He is stone blind, untutored … This colored boy is the most surprising musical person of the age, save his own hands and ears have taught themselves­­, and he is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

130 Years Ago

Clem Berry says that the backward spring interferes with his business of cleaning houses and doing night work with cesspools. The wise householder begins his house cleaning before the rush …

100 Years Ago

Measles, scarlet fever and smallpox are prevalent in this city. It behooves everyone to exercise care and keep their premises clean. Walter Dexter developed a case of smallpox and the premises have been quarantined. (Enterprise)

70 Years Ago

A poster in Austin Market read: “No Dogs Allowed.” Another poster for a bond rally was placed in the same window so by the afternoon the sign read “Dogs Wed.” A local minister who performs many marriage ceremonies saw the sign and asked Mayor Austin about the new line of business advertised …

50 Years Ago

Reduced rates on certain station-to-station long distance telephone calls within Nevada will go into effect. The Nevada Public Service Commission directed Bell Telephone Co. of Nevada to reduce its rates. Reductions apply to calls made between 9 p.m. and 4:30 a.m. Charges will be trimmed by a maximum of 65 cents for three minutes …

30 Years Ago

Bestsellers in fiction: “Christine,” Stephen King; “Space,” James Michener; “Battlefield Earth,” L. Ron Hubbard …

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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