Our Opinion: Officials look ahead in addresses this week

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This week, Mayor Bob Crowell and Gov. Brian Sandoval will look into their crystal balls and share with residents where they believe the city and state are headed.

On Tuesday, Mayor Crowell will give his State of the City address at the Gold Dust West. Crowell will address issues facing the city and specifically the downtown core. The mayor also will address the city's attempt to fill vacant commercial space and discuss the potential impacts the city could face from the 2013 Legislature.

On Wednesday, Gov. Sandoval will outline his priorities for the state for the next two years during his State of the State Address in front of both chambers of the Nevada Legislature.

Facing a state economy that is improved from 2011, but not out of the woods yet, Sandoval has his hands full laying out a budget that includes rising costs for social services and Medicaid expansion. Figuring out how to pay for it without raising taxes will be one of the toughest challenges the first-term governor faces.

The governor's address, at 6 p.m. Wednesday, can be seen at www.leg.state.nv.us.

Even if you aren't interested in politics you should pay attention. Crowell and Sandoval will set the course and push the ship off the dock. It will then be up to the Board of Supervisors, the state Legislature and us to ensure we reach a mutual destination for the future of our city and state.


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