CourtesyThe Carson High School ski team is in the middle of its season with several competitions coming up.
A week from now I will be standing on the Washington Mall in Washington, D.C., with 10 CHS students witnessing the 57th Inauguration of the President of the United States. This will be my second Inauguration with students, and probably won’t be my last one. It is an honor that parents are entrusting me with their children to take them across the U.S. to witness a piece of history that few can say they have ever seen.We began planning this trip 14 months ago and I can’t believe it is finally here. I am always excited to witness history, but even more excited to see it through the eyes of my students. An experience we would never get from reading in a textbook.Thanks to Sen. Harry Reid and his staff for setting us up with the actual Inauguration tickets and providing my students with an experience of a lifetime.STUDENT COUNCIL REPORTIts finals week at Carson High! On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, CHS students will be taking their semester exams which account for 20 percent of a student’s grade.On Wednesday, students will be taking their B2 and B4 finals with a B6 study hall.Thursday, students will be taking their A1, A3 and AB45 finals. Finally, on Friday, students will be taking their A5 and B6 final exams with an 11:30 a.m. release.Make sure your student is getting plenty of rest, eating a healthy breakfast, and is preparing for these exams.On Friday, our boys and girls varsity basketball teams will be playing rivals Douglas Tigers at DHS. Girls start at 5:15 p.m. and boys start at 7 p.m. Freshmen games and the girls junior varsity team will be at home on that date.(Report submitted by student council public relations officer Lydia Lopez)SPEECH & DEBATE RESULTSCarson High School Speech and Debate started the year off with a bang. Carson sent 18 competitors to the Douglas tournament on Jan. 4 and 5.The team brought home more hardware and awards than any tournament in recent memory.In speech events, Bailee Barber took sixth place in novice original oratory with her piece on fear and how to overcome it. Josiah Mourtisen has continued his family tradition in debate and earned second place in novice foreign extemporaneous speaking.Carson also closed out the top spots in novice impromptu speaking with Jacob Bertocchi and Walker Barnet claiming first and second, respectively, and wrapping up their final round with speeches based on famous comic book character quotes.Carson students performed even better in debate events. Dagen Kipling and Porfirio Jauregui took fifth and fourth place in Congressional debate, proving to be much more effective Senators than anyone in Washington. Carson also had seven competitors in Lincoln-Douglas Debate. Rebecca Matley, Jacob Bertocchi, Bailee Barber, Walker Barnet and Luke Szatmary all earned places in the top 10 for speaking points. Bertocchi claimed third place in novice Lincoln-Douglas, his performance is even more impressive as this is his first competition as a debater.Szatmary was able to beat out Bertocchi in the semifinal round and go on to win his final round as well, taking first place overall and first place in speaking points for his ability to argue both sides of the topic on whether the criminal justice system should emphasize rehabilitation or retribution. The team looks to follow up this success next month at the Galena tournament.SKI TEAM UPDATEThe ski team is in the midst of its season with the following competitions coming up:Jan. 14: Giant Slalom at KirkwoodJan. 21: Giant Slalom at HomewoodJan. 30: Slalom at HeavenlyFeb. 6: Slalom at Diamond PeakFeb. 12: Slalom at HeavenlyFeb. 14. Duals at Alpine MeadowsFeb. 25/26: State at Sierra at TahoeCHS THEATERPERFORMANCECome and watch as CHS Theater puts on “The Children’s Hour” by world-renowned author Lillian Hellman, which is a story of the power words hold, and just how fragile human lives are.Tickets are $5 with student ID or $8 for general admission. Tickets can be purchased at CHS before school, during lunch, and after school starting Monday. The play explores strong themes, which is not advised for children younger than 12. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Jan. 24 and 25. There will be 2:30 p.m. matinees Saturday and Jan. 25 and 26.BOWLING STRIKES AGAINThe CHS Bowling Team competes in the High Desert Interscholastic Bowling Program. We are the only school outside of Washoe County competing in the league. So far this season the team is undefeated.This week, some great games contributed to the win by Steven Costa with 234, 233 and a 650 series. Also Kyle Lethcoe performed well, bowling 223, 223, and pulling off a 633 series. Other outstanding games were bowled by Alec Fletcher with 257, Conlin Herrick 245, Tyler Lethcoe 227, Jake Zumbro with a 230 and Chris Baird with a 217. The team’s next match up will be Wednesday in Reno.SWIM TEAM MEETINGAnyone interested in coming out for the swim team, there will be an informational meeting in the library during lunch on Jan. 23. See Ms. Weaver in the guidance office for more information.SPRING SPORTS SIGN UPSSpring sports sign-ups will be 5:30-6:30 p.m. Jan. 28 in the north foyer. Students who have completed a packet for this year just need to sign up with the coach.Completed packets will be accepted at this time also. Eligibility will be determined using the first semester grading period, ending Friday. Students must be cleared through the library, student finance and purchase a student body card sticker.Last day to sign up for spring sports will be Feb. 13. Spring sports include baseball, softball, swim and track.SENIOR SPOTLIGHTThis week’s Senior Spotlight Senior is Cassandra Lytle, an engaging and focused student that is sure to be a credit to her soon-to-be alma mater. Cassandra is very busy taking all advanced-placement courses this year and maintaining a 4.4 grade-point average.She is interested in pursuing a career in the medical or biomedical field after attending the University of Nevada, Reno.Cassandra is also a member of Link Crew which helps freshmen transition to high school. Cassandra enjoys taking a break from her studies by playing tennis and gardening, however due to her challenging coursework she has had to focus on her studies and cut back on sports.Cassandra is concerned about environmental issues and is currently working on greenhouse growing techniques for her senior project. We are proud of Cassandra’s contributions to the Carson High School community and we wish her the best success in the future.• Angila Golik is a government and sociology teacher at CHS and also a member of Senator Pride.