Officers seek runaway teen

CourtesyShelby Essex may be in the Carson, Washoe, Douglas or Lyon county area.

CourtesyShelby Essex may be in the Carson, Washoe, Douglas or Lyon county area.

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The Carson City Sheriff’s Office is asking the public’s help to locate a runaway who still may be in the area and may be in danger.Shelby Essex, 16, was last seen on Dec. 27. Although it appears she had packed clothes to take with her, she left them behind when she ran away, according to the Carson City Sheriff’s Office.Essex is described as 5 feet 7 inches tall, weighing approximately 150 pounds. She has blue eyes and auburn hair, although she may have dyed it.She has tattoos on the insides of her arms and on her wrists. Essex ran away in 2011 around the same time. She still may be in the Carson City, Douglas, Lyon, Washoe counties area.Anyone who sees Essex should call dispatch at 775-887-2008 and anyone with information is asked to call Det. Salvador Acosta at 775-283-7855.Last time Essex ran away, she was found in Carson City with other similarly aged children.


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