Letters to the editor for Sunday, July 14, 2013

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Water-bill increase is an unfair burden

A fee, no a tax, or maybe just an assessment, what is it Mr. Mayor?

I’m sure I could afford the King George III Tea Tax, but I can’t afford your increase in the water bill.

Richard L. Lewis

Carson City

Carson City business deserves high praise for its great service

It appears individuals write to the editor to protest a service, event, individual behavior, or political policies. I am writing to acknowledge great service from a local Carson City business.

I took my wave runner jet ski into Michael’s Cycle Works to be serviced. It was a hot day before the Fourth of July, and I asked the mechanic how much it would be before I left. He quoted a price, but on the way to a Fourth of July destination, I received a call stating the runner was ready to be picked up. I was shocked with a price over $200 of what was quoted.

When I returned to Carson City, I went to Michael’s Cycle Works and explained the situation. Tim Lewis, the service manager, gently explained the charges on the bill, which seemed justified. He continued, “Let’s see what I can do for you.” Minutes later the invoice was altered. Whether Michael’s Cycle Works broke even on the service did not matter; what did matter was this very savvy businessman realized the importance of outstanding customer service.

I continue to be impressed by the quality of individuals and businesses that reside in Carson City and feel very blessed to call this city my home.

Susan Sutton

Carson City


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