JOIN award worker certification

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Four workers have earned the National Work Readiness Credential through the JOIN Inc. office in Nevada, and the agency is forming the next class.

The credential certifies that a worker has entry-level skills in four fields:

• Workplace reading

• Workplace math

• Active listening

• Situational judgment

The credential is the first national certification of workplace readiness, and workers can take it with them to jobs across the United States. The JOIN office in Carson City is the first organization in Nevada to implement the credential as part of its workforce-development mission.

Augusta Hinton, a JOIN instructor, said the four workers who earned the National Work Readiness Credential in Carson City posted an average score of 94 out of 100 points on all four modules.

Xan Becker, one of the students, said the certification helped in the preparation to apply for state jobs.

“Having worked in the private sector I was unprepared for the testing required for state jobs,” Becker said. “Participating in the NWRC training through JOIN helped prepare for gaining my new job with the state of Nevada.”

To apply for the new class, call 775-283-0125.

NNBW staff