Not so fast on Carson High uniform plan

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The possibility of school uniforms at Carson High School has stirred a lot of emotion lately on Saliman Road, and it appears it will create more before the issue is decided.

Administrators hosted a public meeting Tuesday to gauge the opinions of parents, students and community members on standard student attire at the high school. The overwhelming response from parents and students was mostly negative.

A survey of 65 students in school government showed they were in favor of uniforms, the same as in a survey of teachers, administrators said.

Students, parents, teachers and administrators all make valid points in the arguments for and against uniforms. Administrators say that after the next meeting, set for 6 p.m. Wednesday at Carson High School, and all the input has been gathered, a school committee will make a decision.

This is a far-reaching decision, and students and parents are encouraged to attend the meeting and let their voices be heard. However, respect that each and every individual has an opinion and a right to voice it. A disturbing event happened at the last meeting, when parent Tod Jennings stopped midway through his comments because of heckling from the crowd. Jennings, who is in favor of uniforms at the high school level, should have been able to have his say.

It feels the school is rushing the decision. It might be in school officials’ best interest to table a decision until the 2014-15 school year. This would allow administrators to set a timetable to explore other safety and security measures at the school, as well as research and gather more information about how the entire student body feels. Delaying the decision also would help parents. If uniforms are approved, it would give parents more time to shoulder the burden of the costs associated with standard student attire.


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