Carson City’s Planning Commission OKs changing definition of kennel

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A change for dog kennels, controversy over a duplex request and delving into residential growth management kept Carson City’s Planning Commission busy this week.

The commission, which met Wednesday, also learned that next month it will review a proposal for a Nevada Performance Academy special-use permit. The permit is for a 3,044-square-foot building at 223 S. Division St.

It would house an academy pushed by longtime educator Eugene Paslov, also a member of Carson City’s Cultural Commission.

The academy permit request, submitted by Darrin Berger of Berger Hannifan Architects in Carson City, said only 24 students at any given time would be at the building. Indications are students also could work online as well as in joint efforts between the academy and the Brewery Arts Center, which also is downtown.

The commission voted unanimously Wednesday in favor of changing the definition of a dog kennel from a facility with four or more dogs to one with 10 or more.

The proposal next goes as a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors.

The change conforms with a new city animal services ordinance and state law.

The state defines a kennel as having more than nine dogs. The new animal services ordinance allows up to three dogs or other pets at a residence without a permit, but requires an inspection and permit for homes with four to nine animals.

The commission voted 6-1, with Commissioner Malkiat Dhami dissenting, to authorize a special-use permit for a duplex at 1512 N. Nevada St., at Nevada and Long streets. Approval came despite a parade of neighborhood residents who opposed the plan of Steve Yochum, the property owner.

The group opposed cited concerns about proliferating duplexes in the area, saying property values will go down. The opponents have 10 days to appeal through the Planning Division to the Board of Supervisors.

Commissioners also decided unanimously on a growth-management figure of 655 new Carson City residences as the top allowance in 2014 should a housing boom develop, but no one expects anywhere near that number, according to city staffers.

Planning Director Lee Plemel said the 2014 number is down from 698 in 2013.


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