Federal Troops May Be Rushed Into Goldfield
From the Dec. 5, 1907, Tonopah Daily Bonanza
(Special to the Bonanza.)
GOLDFIELD, DEC. 4 — The news that President Roosevelt has ordered troops in San Francisco to hold themselves in readiness to proceed to Goldfield, was received here like a thunderbolt from the blue. There is no disturbance here nor has there been any among the miners.
It was not known that there were any mine owners from here in Carson to see Governor Sparks, and it was not known that there was any cause for any of them seeking the governor. It is true that there have been a number of holdups here, and that other acts of lawlessness have been perpetrated. But no one imagined that conditions had come to such a pass that troops were needed to protect the people and their property.
Many of the miners have expressed a desire to return to work, but the union as a body will not permit the men to accept the cashier’s checks from the Cook bank, unless they are indorsed by the Consolidated.
Request for Soldiers Came from Governor Sparks --- Washington Authorities Immediately Act in the Matter
RENO, Nev., Dec 4 — The representatives of the various mining interests in southern Nevada spent yesterday in consultation with Governor Sparks, returning to Reno last night. The smelter project was discussed in Carson, but the most important part of the visit was to consult with Sparks relative to conditions in southern Nevada. They received an assurance from him that the mine owners of the state would get a fair deal in any trouble that might arise. The members of the party, however, refused absolutely to discuss this. This evening a message received from Washington states that President Roosevelt has been appealed to y Governor Sparks for federal aid in quelling disturbances at Goldfield. Nevada being without militia this course is necessay. Troops are now being placed in readiness and in the event of trouble will be sent here from San Francisco. It is believed that such action will not be taken unless actual trouble occurs.
Later — Another message just from San Francisco confirms the statement that a call for troops had been asked for by Sparks.