Letters to the editor for Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2013

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Sen. Reid is America’s most dangerous man

All the chaos surrounding the rollout of Obamacare was predictable given the total ineptitude of the entire Obama administration. It is just another example of Obama policies that have wrecked the U.S. economy, decimated U.S. foreign policy, and now is destroying the best health care delivery system in the world. However, this is no surprise to those who have long understood that a community organizer is clueless about managing the largest free market economy in the world. But, there is even a more dangerous person behind this latest debacle called Obamacare, and it is our own Harry Reid.

Reid foisted this monstrosity on the American public with his back room deals (Cornhusker Kickback and Louisiana Purchase) to buy the yea votes. Reid manipulated the system and used a dubious legislative trick called reconciliation to pass the law with only 51 votes, instead of the required 60. Reid has not passed a budget in over four years and refuses to consider any budget proposals offered by house Republicans. Reid repeatedly rejects any efforts by Republicans to rein in out of control government spending. Reid’s tactics have allowed government regulators free reign on the Obamacare bill with thousands of new regulations.

Reid: the most dangerous man in America. How can so much power over the people reside in one person? At least Sharron Angle would have said no! Nevada voters need to wise up in 2014 and 2016 for the good of America. Send Dingy Harry back to Searchlight.

Bill Johnston

Carson City

Thank you to Scouts who put flags on graves

A special thanks to the cub scouts who placed flags on veterans’ graves on Veterans Day.

My family and I went to the cemetery in the morning to pay respects to my husband and their dad. What a surprise to see the flags. We were told they wanted to do all veterans but didn’t have enough money to do so.

I am sorry to say I don’t know the name of the troop or who sponsors these boys to thank them personally in some way or another.

On Memorial Day, a lot of flags are placed by several groups. So on behalf of my family and all the families of deceased veterans at rest, I say a big thank you.

Agnes Williams and family

Carson City


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