Letters to the editor for Sunday, Nov. 24, 2013

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Brothel besmirched Nevada Day parade

A horrible thing happened during the Nevada Day parade. When the Bunny Ranch limo came to a stop in our area, the girls began calling out to the crowd, and a man walked to the curb to get their picture. Two of the women posed for him, one grasping a private part of another’s anatomy until the photographer snapped his shot. Then she called out that there was a party at the Ranch that night, “come and get it.” I sat in shock as voices rose around us expressing disgust and anger.

We have brought our fine state even lower by having prostitutes plying their trade and soliciting customers in front of our children in our state’s most honorable annual public event. This is an outrageous affront on the minds of our children and to our society as a whole. It is demeaning to all men, women, and children and never should be allowed to happen again. It’s flat out wrong, even evil.

Is this what you want your children to see in our parades? Let’s continue to celebrate our great state, morality and high values, and put an end to rampant degradation of our society. Tell the parade committee to deny their application every year and tell them why! Let me make it easy for you to give them a piece of your mind, email nevadaday@nevadaday.com, or call 775-882-2600.

Lori Teakle

Carson City

This is the time to recall things we share

The following, a wee-bit-reworked Thanksgiving verse found amid the pages of an old family poetry book, the verse composed by that famous author, “author unknown.”

Author unknown is credited with the composition of more prolific and wonderful poetry than any known author (sadly, LOL). Then, along came Carson City poet, Thane, to rescue and caringly redress in readiness for the most sharing time of the year.

“What We Share”

When we share laughter, there is twice the fun;

When we share success, we’ve surpassed what we’ve done.

When we share problems, there’s half the pain;

When we share our tears, a rainbow’s the gain.

When we share our dreams, they become more real;

When we share secrets, our hearts we reveal.

If we share a smile, that is when our love shows,

If we share a hug, that’s when our love grows.

If we share with someone on whom we depend,

That someone can always be counted a friend.

And now with Thanksgiving coming around,

We’re reminded that sharing will always abound;

For what draws us closer and makes us all care,

It’s not what we have, but the things that we share!

Thane Cornell

Carson City

Columnist admits job isn’t that important

It took some courage for Joe Santoro in his “sports fodder” column to write “It is All Smoke and Mirrors in College Football” in the Appeal for Friday, the 15th. It is akin to a minister describing religion in the same terms. Those activities are what give validity and meaning to those occupations: writing and preaching. It is quite an admission to imply you are paid to describe something that is not very important.

Oscar W. Ford

Carson City

Obamacare a flawed but noble solution

To quote, “It’s important to remember when we are up to our butts in alligators that we are here to drain the swamp.” It’s also important to remember that when Obama was elected, there were 40,000,000 people uninsured, and they will now have coverage. Is the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) flawed? Yes, but these 40,000,000 will get health care.

Obama should have taken the simple direct option and expanded Medicaid for folks below a certain income threshold, possibly with a tiered co-payment. He should also copy Bush and the Republicans and not provided a way to pay for it like Bush’s prescription drug plan. Is this cynical? Yes, but that should not be a hindrance to the present Congress.

We have a system in this country whereby we pay people poverty wages, and they in turn go on food stamps, get Section 8 housing and use the emergency rooms with the counties paying for their health care. In effect, the taxpayer is subsidizing people on poverty-level wages already, and the people who employ these people are being subsidized by the taxpayer. Obamacare is at least honest and tackles the problem up front.

Ronald Adams


Principal’s rating doesn’t reflect schools’

To Carson City School Board members Ron Swirczek, Laurel Crossman, Stacie Wilke-McCulloch, Lynette Conrad, Steven Reynolds, Candace Stowell,and Joe Cacioppo:

Why was Carson City Superintendent Richard Stokes given the highest performance rating when not one school in the Carson City District has the highest rating (five star)? Not one Carson school improved its rating from last year.

In case you missed the article in the Appeal (Wednesday, Sept. 18) I will recap the star ratings in comparison from last to this year: Fritsch went from a 5 star to a 3 star; Empire went from a 3 to a 2 star; Freemont went from a 3 to a 2 star; Eagle Valley Middle School went from a 4 to a 3 star; Mark Twain, Seeliger, Bordewich Bray, and Carson High stayed the same at 3; Carson Middle School stayed the same at a score of 4.

Since none of our schools are performing at a superior level, what justifies this rating? Is there a monetary factor tied to a ““superior” rating? God help our teachers.

Sunni Enciso

Carson City


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