Past Pages for Sunday, Oct. 6, 2013

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140 years ago

(Note: There is no Nevada Appeal for Oct. 2-31, 1873, on file.)

130 years ago

A Farmer’s Scripture. Day before yesterday a group of farmers were sitting in front of a saloon in Genoa discussing the grand benefits of the rain. “It’ll raise the Carson river, start the mills up, make the grass grow and do this State a million dollars’ worth of good.” They all concurred in this idea, and while they were talking a stranger rode up on a solemn-looking horse and finally announced that he was a clergyman (continued on Tuesday).

100 years ago

By an executive order at Washington, Ansho Island in Pyramid Lake, Nevada, has been set apart for the use of the Department of Agriculture as a preserve and a breeding ground for native birds.

70 years ago

Every resident of Ormsby County should place at least one box of neatly arranged scrap on the edge of the curb in front of their home on Sunday, for the Victory Scrap Drive is on!

50 years ago

County Consolidation. Arriving by horse and buggy, members of the territorial government met in Carson City on Nov. 25, 1861. The fledgling group held a roll call on an act that would create Ormsby County. Late that afternoon an act was passed creating what we now know as Carson City (continued Tuesday.)

30 years ago

A federal official visited Stewart Indian School this week to hear local officials pitch the idea of making the school a site for the FEMA disaster training agency.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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