Letters to the editor for Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2013 | Serving Northern Nevada

Letters to the editor for Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2013

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Private lives not state and church’s domain

What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream? My favorite flavor is strawberry. My best friend’s is mint chocolate chip. Is it right for me to shun or bully her because she has a different preference than I do? Should I surround myself with people who only like strawberry ice cream? Should church and state have that power? How about your work place? Should I make people conform to my preference? Sounds pretty ridiculous, doesn’t it?

Think about your sexual preference. I am straight; my best friend is bisexual. She became an outcast. Society bullies those they consider to be rebels. No one should endure threats, harassment or violence. Such anti-gay actions has lead to attempted or successful suicide.

Although some states are legalizing it, same sex unions are not recognized by other states. My question to you is, why should church and state demand the right to interfere in one’s relationship? Being open with one’s sexual preference has affected employment, housing, and religious freedoms, as well as military and medical services. People are people. We are all human. We can’t help who we fall in love with, whether it be strawberry or mint chocolate chip. Love is love.

Emily Mason

Carson City

Horsford’s shameful act deserves derision

Many will not hear about Steven Horsford’s shaming action in the House of Representatives.

During a hearing on Benghazi, when the time for testimony by the four victims’ parents came, Mr. Horsford walked out of the chamber.

Is this the shameful attitude Nevadans want to display to the nation?

Charles Owen

Carson City