Kids from the Boys and Girls Club of Western Nevada pose with Dana Whaley, of Carson Toyota, Laurie Gorris, B&G Club Chief Professional Officer, and Susie Messina, B&G Club Special Events Coordinator on Wednesday in front of the club on Russell Way. Carson City Toyota and Reno Toyota donated a 2013 Toyota Tacoma to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Nevada and Truckee Meadows.
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Nevada is putting the finishing touches on this year’s “World’s Greatest Luau & Kids’ Auction,” the club’s annual fundraiser.
“This event is critical to helping the Club continue our vital work for the safety and success for the kids in Carson City,” said Laurie Gorris, chief professional officer for the club. “It’s huge. And it’s fun. It’s like the social event of the year.”
Northern Nevada Toyota Dealers donated a 2013 Toyota Tacoma truck for the raffle, which will also include a trip to Hawaii.
“I think it’s important to give these kids a safe place,” said Dana Whaley, general manager of Carson City Toyota. “What they learn here, like computer skills, especially in today’s society is very important.”
Raffle tickets for the truck are $20 each, and only 2,000 will be sold.
“It’s great odds,” Whaley said.
The winner will be announced at the luau, where Mai Tais and a roasted pig will be served 3-7 p.m. Sept. 7 at the Pony Express Pavilion at Mills Park. All proceeds will benefit the Boys & Girls Clubs.
Susie Messina, special events coordinator for the club, said she hopes to raise $300,000, about 20 percent of the club’s operations budget, at the luau and auction.
“It’s our biggest fundraiser,” she said. “We try not to inundate our donors with event after event.”
Also at the luau, Roger Williams, one of the Club’s founding board members, will be presented with the second Distinguished Service Award for his commitment to the clubs and the youth in Carson City.
Whaley purchased a company table for $1,000 on Wednesday for the luau.
“I want to challenge other businesses to do the same,” he said. “Donations from the community and businesses are critical for the survival of the Boys & Girls Club.”