Parent portal open at CHS until Thursday

Eric Zimmerman, of Carson City, right, shot his first antelope after hunting for 10 years on a recent trip to Paradise Valley near WInnemucca. He hunted with his brothers, Chris and Paul, who helped Eric bag the antelope from 237-yards.

Eric Zimmerman, of Carson City, right, shot his first antelope after hunting for 10 years on a recent trip to Paradise Valley near WInnemucca. He hunted with his brothers, Chris and Paul, who helped Eric bag the antelope from 237-yards.

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The parent portal for Carson High School sports sign-ups will close Aug. 29.

Now is the time to begin or complete the athletic packet for the year.

This includes winter sports — skiing, wrestling, basketball; spring sports — baseball, softball, golf, track and swimming.

The athletic department will announce when to turn those packets in for the season.

For more information contact the athletic office at 283-1900.

Silver Oak crowns

its champions

Stevan Lyon and Kevin Johnson were the big winners at Silver Oak Golf Men’s Club championship which was completed over the weekend.

Lyon won low net for Flight 1 with a 36-hole total of 134. Johnson was the low gross winner with a 143. Johnson and Lee Plemel tied for second place in low net at 135, while Jim Silsby and Milo Beauchman tied for fourth at 139. Dan Wilson (146), Plemel (147), Beauchman (149) and Lyon (152) took the next four slots.

Bil Prowse won Flight 2 low gross with a 168, three shots better than Osu Kwon and William Kapczynski. Bill Fraser was fourth at 173 and Dennis Holt was fifth at 175. Fraser won low net with a 137, while J.P. Penrod was second at 142. Kwon was third at 143 and Prowse was fourth at 144. Prutch, Frank Turek, Steve Sturm and Kapczynski tied for fifth at 145.

•The second annual Americans for Wounded Veterans Golf Tournament is Sept. 6 at Silver Oak at 8:30 a.m. The format is a four-player scramble.

For information on the tournament call Silver Oak at 841-7000.

McDonald and Hood team

up for victory

Alaina McDonald and Susan Hood combined to shoot 54 to win the Thunder Canyon Ladies Club Partners’ better ball tournament on Aug. 22.

Lynn Greenman and Cheryl Lukens were second with a 62.

Mike Bennert and Bob Oglesby combined for a 57 to win the men’s version of the event. The teams of Mike Judge and Jack Bonar, and Jeff Gussow and Mike Frage were second at 63. The twosomes of Pat Bieker and Tony Bellucci, Dan Culbert and Leland Sullivan, and Burt Clements and John Anderson all tied for fourth at 64.

Menezes, Cox team up

for Carson Valley victory

Marc Menezes and Matthew Cox shot a net 65 to win Flight A at the 2-man Chapman event at Carson Valley Golf Club on Aug. 24. Daryle Lewis and Marc Prause were second with a 69.

The teams of Matt Budjako and Mike Davis, and Joe Morrison and Chuck Householder tied for the Flight B title with 65s. John Guidicatti and Jack Zippwald won Flight C with a 65, one shot better than Bob Van Not and David Morris.

• Introduction to Golf through the Douglas County Parks & Rec is slated for Sept. 6 at CVGC. The cost is $20. For more information, call 782-9828.

Massad wins senior

NNGA tourney

Jerry Massad of Eagle Valley Golf Club won the low net senior championship at the recent State Amateur Tournament.

Massad shot 219 in the three-day event at Hidden Valley.

Shabi wins club

crown at Empire

Jim Shabi shot a 36-hole total of 159 to win the low gross club championship for the Empire Ranch Senior Men’s Club on Aug. 13 and 20.

Duane Carroll won the net championship with a 124.

Henry Teague won Flight A low net with a 131, George Flamer was the Flight B champ at 131, Carroll won Flight C with a 124 and Joe O’Brien won Flight D with a 133.

CTC slates fall

tennis tourney

The Carson Tennis Club has scheduled the 2014 Fall Classic for Sept. 12-14 at Centennial Park and the Carson High tennis courts.

There will be women’s and men’s singles and doubles plus a mixed doubles event. There will be A and B levels in all categories.

Entries are due by Sept. 9. The cost for singles is $25 for CYC members and 30 for non-members. In doubles, the cost is $20 per person for members and $25 for non-members.

For more information, contact Dan Hannah at 265-1711 or at


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