Carson-Tahoe Hospital's first campus in 1955. A fire in 1968 destroyed the building, and the infirmary at Stewart was called into play. Construc tion for this building in 1949 topped out at $80,000.
140 years ago
(Black Hills Expedition; continued from Thursday). But, whatever the real ostensible motive may have been, we believe that General Custer’s expedition in the Black Hills will prove to be fraught with disaster and ignominy. — Sacramento Record. The Battle of the Little Big Horn was fought June 25, 1876.
130 years ago
The Walker Lake Bulletin says: A Kangaroo snake was brought in yesterday by a prospector, who captured it in the mountains east of the lake. This is probably the first of the species ever found on this side of Mexico. The snake resembles a garter snake and is harmless. When young sense danger or wish to sleep, they inhabit a pouch extending along its belly.
100 years ago
Gun used by officer. The night officer shot at Doc Dietrich Thursday night. The bullet passed across the neck, back of the windpipe, with no serious injury. Dietrich is a stranger. He was wielding a razor and was a little slow about dropping it at the psychological moment. — Battle Mountain Scout.
70 years ago
Cpl. and Mrs. Dane Bullentini are visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Bullentini. Tuesday the couple will leave for Las Vegas where they will visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley, former residents of Carson City.
50 years ago
Exalted Ruler of the Carson City Elk’s Club Charles ‘Chuck’ Buckheister announced plans today for the annual 1864 costume ball to be sponsored by the Elk’s Club. The annual dance will be held at the National Guard Armory.
30 years ago
In rural Nevada, where Senate and Assembly Districts are larger than some states, legislative candidates are building war chests with Republicans leading in fundraising, trying to gain seats from retiring Senate Democrats, vacated last year.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.