Douglas County law enforcement go door-to-door on Hussman Avenue in Gardnerville on Saturday morning during the search.
Carson City Sheriff’s deputies are searching for Michael Dylan Brentlinger, 22, who is suspected of fatally shooting a Carson City man and wounding 19-year-old daughter Saturday morning.
The suspect was seen fleeing the 2800 block of Carmine Street in a white 2002 Chevrolet Cavalier with Nevada license plate 948XAT, according to Sheriff Ken Furlong. The suspect is believed to armed and dangerous, according to deputies.
Furlong said deputies are following up on leads along with making contact with officers in California and Idaho. Furlong said the suspect used to live in Idaho.
“We don’t know where he is at, at this time,” Furlong said. “There is no question who we are looking for.
“He is armed, very, very armed.”
Furlong said the shooting was reported at 5:57 a.m. He said the suspect is armed with a .45 caliber semi-automatic firearm.
“When deputies got (to Carmine Street), they found an elderly gentleman deceased and an injured 19-year-old female,” Furlong said Saturday morning. Her condition is unknown after being transported to Renown hospital via Care Flight medical hospital.
Furlong said the suspect used to live at the Carmine residence and used to date the 19-year-old female. The sheriff said Brentlinger was arrested on Dec. 5 on charges of trespassing after returning to the residence. Furlong said the woman requested and was granted a personal protection order against Brentlinger.
“He no longer lives or resides (where he was served),” Furlong said. “He has no known location of residence at this time.”
Saturday morning, Douglas and Carson City authorities swarmed a Gardnerville home near Hussman Avenue and Jessica Lane looking for the suspect.
By 10 a.m. the search in Gardnerville was winding down as deputies canceled a reverse 911 broadcast and a request for help from Washoe County’s RAVEN helicopter.
“We hit two locations very, very hard (Saturday morning),” Furlong said. “Neither one panned out.”
Furlong said they were tracking a cell phone that was one digit off from the suspects.
Brentlinger’s mother lives in Carson City while his father lives in Reno.