Past Pages for Sunday, Jan. 26, 2014 | Serving Northern Nevada

Past Pages for Sunday, Jan. 26, 2014

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140 Years Ago

Obituary: John James, State Legislator, 48 years old, died. He was born on his father’s farm in Marion County, Ohio, in 1826 and came to California in 1849 by way of the Isthmus. In 1858 he came over the mountains and made his headquarters at Genoa and then was admitted to the bar and practiced law in Territorial times. In 1859 he was elected to the Carson County, Utah, Legislature at Salt Lake City and later elected to the Nevada Assembly in Storey County for the 1866 session.

130 Years Ago

Leap Year: In Philadelphia there is a young lady of twenty summers who weighs 532 pounds. All the eligible bachelors are afraid to venture out without a police officer. Leap year possesses no attraction for them ...

120 Years Ago

All sorts: The person who gets the most rabbits in the drive will get the whole works. Two Italians got into a row in Virginia. One took a shot at the other. The shooter was arrested — and will be fed water and macaroni.

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Carson Theatre — ‘Hit Parade of 1943’ with John Carroll, Susan Hayward and Gail Patrick — Never has the screen been jammed with so much spectacular entertainment — stars galore — romance — laughter — 3 bands.”

50 Years Ago

Meet Your Neighbor: Ernest H. Bath, born in 1887 on the Rush’s Los Gatos Ranch between Winnie Lane and Ash Canyon, has lived in Carson City most of his life. His grandfather was an immigrant to America from England and crossed the plains in 1858. He located his homestead on Winnie Lane and later married Frances Fulstone. Ernest Bath married Dora Doty in 1909 and operated a wood and coal business until 1935. He was appointed postmaster in 1935. Mr. and Mrs. Bath reside at 302 N. Curry (the Brougher-Bath Home). They have three daughters: Mrs. Ruth Swanson, Mrs. Martha Whitely and Mrs. Irene Spradling ...

30 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Comstock Bank — Offering 10 percent — 30 to 90 days Certificates of Deposit $100,000 to $250,000 — limited offer — Your community bank doing more for you in the ‘80’s ...”

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.