A T-bucket leaves the Carson Nugget lot during last year's Legends of the West. The event returns this weekend.
Legends of the West Bike and Car Fest, which takes place Friday and Saturday in downtown Carson City, offers showings of cars and motorcycles, music, dancing, food, awards and more.
The event begins Friday with a street dance and the Carson City Sheriff’s Office’s 11th annual Extreme Motor Officer Training Challenge, a competition that features motor officers from around the country.
The main show and shine for both bikes and cars will be on Saturday. Carson Street will be closed from Robinson Street past the Capitol to Fifth Street so that all the bikes and cars can be viewed.
Cars can be entered in the following categories: Car Pre 1970, Car Post 1970, Rat Rod, Truck Pre 1970, Truck Post 1970, Import, VW – Water Cool, VW – Air Cool. Bikes can be entered in vintage, custom and open categories.
Car and bike entries cost $25 per vehicle. A $5 discount is offered for participants who bring five cans of food for FISH.
The Carson City Elks Lodge will host its annual pancake breakfast in conjunction with Saturday’s events. Pancakes with toppings ranging from honey butter to maple syrup to fresh berries and cream will be served from 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. at 515 N. Nevada St. Coffee and tea are included. A bar will be available. Each entrant will receive one complimentary ticket; additional tickets are available for $5. All food items are also available to go.
FISH and Disabled American Veterans, Chapters 1 of Reno and 7 of Carson City, are designated charities for the event. For more information, call 775-887-1294, or go to www.eventsnevada.com/legends.html. For more information about the breakfast, call 775-882-2177.