Letters to the editor for Friday, Oct. 24, 2014

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Wants spirited debate on same sex marriage

OK, it is time for a spirited debate. If same sex marriage is going to be legal across the country, and it looks like it will be, even though they are already allowed civil unions. The argument is they are attracted to the same sex and that is how it is.

So 20 years ago it was illegal to conduct such activity. Now it is illegal for pedophiles but they are attracted to kids and that is just how they are. The FBI has fired agents for having kiddie porn on their computers when it was not part of their jobs, never tried or even charged for it, just fired. Washoe County charged a deputy sheriff for watching it. DPS had a state trooper imprisoned for molesting his nephew.

So does this mean in 20 years we will be debating at what age a pedophile can marry a child if he seduced the child and not out and out raped them? After all, he or she is attracted to children and that is how it is. That is the gays’ argument and it obviously works.

In the past, the definition of deviancy was whether children could be produced from the act or not, so if a 9 year old has her period early, will it be legal for a pedophile to marry her? Just because it feels good does not mean it is not deviant.

Let’s get the debate rolling.

Rob Cobb, Jr.

Carson City

Appreciates man who turned in purse

On Oct. 15, my wife left her purse in a cart at the Carson City Walmart parking lot. She drove home before she realized it was gone.

We drove back to the store and a man had found it in the parking lot and turned it in. I wish that he had left his name so we could thank him personally. It is nice to know that there are people like you that are so honest and thoughtful of others. I know that your family and friends are proud of you and so are we.

Thank you again, and it is a pleasure to see that there are people like you that live here in Carson Valley. Thanks again.

John and Barbara Johnson



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